Tablet market forecast by IDC

International Data Corporation (IDC) has come out with latest quarterly forecasts for tablet market. As per IDC tablet market will increase its 2012 forecast for the worldwide tablet market to 122.3 million, up from its previous forecast of 117.1 million units. IDC also raised its 2013 forecast number to 172.4 million units, up from 165.9 million units. And by 2016 worldwide shipments should reach 282.7 million units, up from a previous forecast of 261.4 million units.

IDC also forecasts a decline in eReader market. IDC now expects 2012 eReader shipments to top out at 19.9 million units, down from the 27.7 million units that shipped in 2011.

As far as tablet operating system splits is concern, IDC now expects Android's worldwide tablet share to increase from 39.8% in 2011 to 42.7% for the full year of 2012. During that same time Apple's share will slip from 56.3% in 2011 to 53.8% in 2012. Long term, IDC predicts Windows-based tablets (including Windows 8 and Windows RT) will grab share from both iOS and Android, growing from 1% of the market in 2011 to 2.9% in 2012, on its way to 10.2% in 2016.

Tablet Operating Systems, Market Share Forecast and CAGR 2012-2016
Tablet OSMarket ShareCAGR 2012 - 2016
Grand Total100.0%100.0%23.3%
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker, December 5, 2012
Table Notes:
  • Windows shipments include Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows 7 tablets.
  • Shipments include shipments to distribution channels or end users. OEM sales are counted under the vendor/brand under which they are sold.

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